13th Dec 1831 - 31st Oct 191111,13
Life History
13th Dec 1831 |
Born in St Pancras, London |
15th May 1834 |
Baptised in Old Church, St Pancras, London.1 |
30th Mar 1851 |
Occupation articled clerk in St Pancras, London.2 |
30th Mar 1851 |
Recorded in census in St Pancras, London (2 Gordon Street, St Pancras, London).2 |
1861 |
Occupation Solicitor.3 |
1861 |
Recorded in census in St Pancras, London (2 Gordon Street, St Pancras, London) |
1871 |
Occupation Solicitor.3 |
1871 |
Recorded in census in St Pancras, London (2 Gordon Street, St Pancras, London) |
4th Dec 1872 |
Occupation Solicitor in No. 1, Gordon-street, Gordon square,.4 |
5th Jun 1874 |
Occupation Solicitor in No. 1, Gordon-street, Gordon square,.5 |
28th Feb 1876 |
Occupation Solicitor in No. 23, Gordon street, Gordon-square, Saint Pancras, in the county of.6 |
1st Jul 1876 |
Occupation Solicitor in No. 23, Gordon street, Gordon-square, Saint Pancras, in the county of.7 |
23rd Apr 1880 |
Occupation Solicitor in No. 23, Gordon street, Gordon-square, Saint Pancras, in the county of.8 |
1881 |
Recorded in census in St Pancras, London (21 Gordon Street, St Pancras, London) Domestic servant cook: Mary A Whittaker Age 52 Born Somerton Somerset |
8th Nov 1883 |
Occupation Solicitor in Scadding and Bodkin, 23, Gordon-street, Gordon-square, London, W.C.,.9 |
1891 |
Recorded in census in St Pancras, London (21 Gordon Street, St Pancras, London) Domestic servant cook: Mary A Whittaker Age 62 Born Somerton Somerset |
1901 |
Recorded in census in London, Middlesex (1Park Square West) Butler Domestic: George Tibble Age 48 Born Wilts Kingston StMichaels |
before 1911 |
Wrote will.3 |
1911 |
Probate.3 |
2nd Apr 1911 |
Occupation Solicitor in St Marylebone, London.10 |
2nd Apr 1911 |
Recorded in census in St Marylebone, London (1 Park Square West Marylebone, London).10 |
to 30th Oct 1911 |
Occupation Solicitor in Messrs Scadding and Bodkin (23 Gordon Street, WC).11,12 |
31st Oct 1911 |
Died in 1 Park Sq. West, Regents Park, London.11,13 Solicitors |
4th Nov 1911 |
Buried in Highgate Cemetry at 1:30 following a funeral service in St Pancras at 12:30.14 No flowers by desire. |
- "....Walter Scadding who played in chamber music almost every night of his life"
Exerpt from the obituary of W H Hill - 28 Jan 192715 - The Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908.
COMPANY Limited.
At an Extraordinary General Court of the Proprietors of the above named Company, duly convened, and held at the registered office of the Company, No. 71A, Queen Victoria-street, in the city of London, on the 16th day of February, 1910. the following Extraordinary Resolution was only passed and at a subsequent Extraordinary General Court of proprietors of the said Company, also duly convened, and held at the same place, on the 3rd day of March, the same resolution was duly co firmed as a Special Resolution :—
" That the Company be wound up voluntarily under
the provisions of the Companies (Consolidation) Act,
1908, and that Walter Scadding, of 23, Gordon-street.
Gordon-sqnare, W C., Solicitor, Charles Edward
Broughton, of 12. Great Marlborough-street, W., Solicitor,
and George Henry Mayne, of 71 A, Queen Victoria-street,
EC., the Secretary of the Company, he and they are
hereby appointed Liquidators for the purpose of such
winding up,"
G. H. MAYNE, Secretary.
WALTER SCALDING, CHARLES E. BROUGHTON, G. H. MAYNE, Liquidators.16 - In the Matter of the Companies (Consolidation) Act,
1908, and in the Matter of the NATIONAL REVERSIONARY INVESTMENT COMPANY Limited.
"NOTICE is hereby given,- that the creditors of the
above named Company, which is being voluntarily
wound up, are required, on or before the nineteenth
day of April, 1910, being tbe day for that purpose fixed
by tbe Undersigned, to send their names and addresses,
and the particulars of their debts or claims, aud the
names and addresses of their Solicitors, if any, to
Walter Scadding, of 23, Gordnn-strtet, Gordon-square,
W.C., Solicitor, Charles Edward Broughton, of 12, Great
Marlborough-street, London. W., Solicitor, and George
Henry Mayne, of 7lA, Queen Victoria-street, London.-
E.C., the Secretary of. the Company, the Liquidators of
the said Company; and, if so required by notice in
writing from the said Liquidators, are, by their
Solicitors, to come in and prove their said debts or
claims at such time and place as shall be specified in such
notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded from
the benefit of any distribution made before such debts
.are proved.—Dated this 31st day of March, 1910.
Pursuant to Statute 22 and 23 Viet., cap. 35.
WE give notice, that all persons having claims against the estate of Mr. Walter Scadding, late of No. 1, Park-square West, Regent's Park, in the county of London, and previously of 21, Gordon street, Gordon-square, in the said county of London (who died on the 31st of October, 1911, and whose will, with two codicils thereto, has been proved in the Principal Probate Registry by Henry Cave Browne and Herbert Peter Bodkin, the executors), are to send written particulars of their claims to us by the 14th day of February next, after which date
the assets of the deceased will be dealt with, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been received.—Dated this 4th day of January, 1912.
SCADDING and BODKIN, 23, Gordon street, Gordon-square. London, W.C., Solicitors for the said Executors. - Herbert Peter Bodkin continued to trade as SCADDING and BODKIN, at 23, Gordon-street, Gordon-square, London, W.C and later (1934) at
2, Endsleigh Street, Tavistock Square, London, W.C.I, until his death in 1937 - H P Bodkin - partner in Scadding and Bodkin Solicitors died Thur Sep 16, 1937, from injuries sustained in a motor car accident in April, he had been in hospital ever since the accident18
- SCADDING and BODKIN, 2, Endsleigh Street,
London, W.C1, Solicitors were still trading on 11th day of November 1937.
- 1. Parish Records - LMA
- 2. UK Census 1851
- 3. Probate Principal Registry of the Family Division
- 4. London Gazette
- 6 Dec 1872
- 5. London Gazette
- 5 Jun 1874
- 6. London Gazette
- 3 Mar 1876
- 7. London Gazette
- 12 May 1876
- 8. London Gazette
- 23 Apr 1880
- 9. London Gazette
- 9 Nov 1883
- 10. UK Census 1911
- 11. Probate Principal Registry of the Family Division
- Wed 1 Nov 1911
- 12. The Times
- 13. The Times
- Wed Nov1, 1911
- 14. The Times
- Wed 1 Nov 1911
- 15. The Times
- 28 Jan 1927
- 16. London Gazette
- 11 Mar 1910
- 17. London Gazette
- 1 Apr 1910
- 18. The Times
- Sep 16, 1937